So I've been working on Photoshop quite a bit since about a week or two, mainly for work. I was having mad fun discovering new tools and cool new tricks and bashed myself for not spending time on this earlier. I'm still no genius at it, but I can get around all the basic stuff. So anyway, coming to the blog I wasn't too happy with the previous Blogspot background I had. The fonts were clashing, distracting people from reading the actual content to stare at the 'purple' background. (If you're reading this you know who you are :P)
A LOT of pictures, some very simple techniques and a couple of hours of work later the new background and headers (MWED logo on top) were created -
The idea behind this collage was the name of my blog itself. Well not the entire name, just the 'electronica dreams' bit. So I got pictures of synthesizers, artwork, bands/artists I like, their event flyers, album cover arts, cool gears et al and the above was created. I thought it was pretty cool. Spot on with the blog name. Although, I had to settle for this one.
What I wanted to do with the above image or rather did do with it, is this -
But unfortunately this file was too big to upload. Feel free to download and use it as a desktop wallpaper or poster or however it may please you.
Love & light.
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